Citizenship nullification is a term you need to become familiar with because this is what the Democrats have been doing to you with their open borders policies. It’s never been about what is good for America, but what is good for the Democrats. It is all a plan to make them the permanent party by nullifying your rights as a citizen. Here is how it works.
Our elections are usually decided by just a few states, called swing states, where the outcomes are determined by a few thousand votes. If the illegals vote, which the Democrats want, and some are doing that, then you have lost your country. Here are some statistics of voting-age illegals in this country by swing state.
Wisconsin - 129,000
Michigan - 271,000
North Carolina - 726,000,
Georgia - 787,000,
Arizona’s 611,000,
Penn - 516,000
Nevada - 258,000
Biden only won the Electoral College in 2020 by around 42,000 votes over three states. The Democrats are destroying your country and your freedoms. Your privileges as an American citizen are being nullified by the Democrat’s obsession for power.
As Sen. McConnell told me a few weeks ago, there are now NO moderate Democrats left. Remember this on November 5th.
Jack L. Richardson, IV