Thoughts on the Mockery of the Last Supper at the Paris 2024 Olympics
Yes, it was planned and intentional
As most know by now, the opening of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France, was marred and controversial with the mocking of the Last Supper of Christ by a gaggle of drag queens and every other known perversity of mankind. The Last Supper is one of the holiest moments not just for the Christian faith but for all of humanity. Now, mockery of Christ is what the evil world has done from the beginning, so to this extent, nothing is new. But it reveals how brazen evil has become because of the lethargy and indolence of good’s toleration of evil. And yes, toleration of evil is evil itself.
So, we saw the heathen rage in Paris in full view of the whole world. What we really observed was an indictment against what remains of the good in the world who could do something about the slide into Gomorrah but are not.
This is also not so unusual for France, given it is a destroyed culture that started over 200 years ago with its revolution, followed by a rejection of Christianity and the adoption of humanism. They grew more and more atheistic, hedonistic and disordered. Along with that detachment from reality, they flooded their country with Islamists such that the country is now held hostage with an occupying culture antithetical to the French culture. They are a ruined country, and they brought it on themselves with their liberalism and hedonism. It was only natural that the perverse hedonists in control of France would do and allow such a desecration of what is good. I can think of nothing good, virtuous or reliable in France.
The mocking of the Last Supper by the reincarnated inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah is typical. It was perversity and mental illness on full display with Satan and his followers boldly shoving it in your face, again, in large part because Christians have tolerated it and elected evil leaders. Satan is a counterfeit to the real and original. He mocks everything. He can only imitate and mock as he cannot create, only destroy.
As we specifically focus in on what occurred at the Paris Olympics 2024, what is particularly significant concerning the alphabet mafia, as I call them—which is also known as that exhausting LGBTQ++ (a disguise and excuse for legitimizing sin)—is that their main aim is to come after your children. It has always been about the children. This perverse collection of evil and wickedness is joined with Marxism (the main tenant of which is atheism) and is satanic. Remember, Marxism, also known as communism, socialism, progressivism, and liberalism, is fundamentally rooted in godlessness. Its adherents are their own gods and want to be your god as well. And today, they are better known as the Democrat Party, which was taken over in the 1990s by the Clintoniestas, followers of Saul Alinsky, who wrote the book Rules for Radicals.
Now, I don’t want to stray too far from the religious implications of the article, but I do want to connect the dots and expose for you what is and who is evil. And having identified the Democrat Party as such, here are a few examples of why they are evil.
They favor and support abortion up to the point of birth, and even some have suggested abortion after birth.
They favor porn in school libraries, and if you act to remove those books, they accuse you of banning books and free speech.
They favor “drag queen story hour” in schools for children, and if you oppose it, you are transphobic. They have made rational fear a bad thing.
They favor allowing boys to play in female sports and to use girls’ bathrooms.
They want to eliminate the distinction between men and women and compel pronouns upon you and your children.
They proselytize your children, suggesting to them that they may be a different sex than they were born as. If the child is convinced, then he/she can get transition surgery without your knowledge or consent, as some have proposed.
They not only want prison inmates to have paid-for transgender surgery, but they want you to pay for it.
And long ago, they removed the Bible and prayer from our schools, which began the slide into chaos.
Today, we have lost touch with what is good and virtuous. Evil usually wins not only because it is more cunning but also because good people cannot mentally go to or live in the pit where the wicked live. They cannot imagine doing the things the wicked do. Thus, they are totally unprepared to deal effectively with the attacks.
As Dr. Peterson said in a lecture,
If you cannot think like an evil person thinks, then you are defenseless. They will go places you cannot imagine, and then they win.
A harmless man is not a good man; a good man is a very, very dangerous man who has that under control.
The meek are those who have swords. They know how to use them but choose to keep them sheathed.”
They are the ones who will inherit the earth. This reminds me of the Gideons and those commanded to cross the Jordan and wipe it clean of the evil that existed.
Jake Julius from Rattlesnake TV spoke on the sacrilege of the mocking of the Last Supper and had some good insight: Virtue requires knowledge. I agree, as a governing moral code must be transcendent, not homemade, as nothing is more untrustworthy or self-serving. You have to know what is right and wrong, and that does not emanate from man.
Without a transcendent morality, you are at the mercy of your deepest and darkest desires and impulses. As Jake puts it, you become like a feral animal. You have no wisdom or goodness to anchor you.
When a people or country devolves into that feral state, it becomes defenseless, and as history proves, cities get sacked by the barbarians. This is happening today in an increasingly atheistic West, leading to its collapse.
A feral type of people, debauched and hedonistic, is antithetical to goodness, virtue and beauty. Such people thrive on chaos, and, as I have said many times, chaos benefits those who desire to enslave you. They specifically target Christianity as that is their greatest nemesis. They tear down anything that brings order. Without God, there is no order, and without order, there is no freedom. These reprobates thrive in chaos as they want you to worship them. They have their own religion.
They have captured our institutions and government. We see this most starkly in the Democrat Party and all they propose, such as:
Affirming the transgender agenda, even paying for inmate transgender surgery.
Defunding the police who bring order.
Stochastically terrorizing those they disagree with and demonizing them to bring about violence upon them, as we saw with the eight years of demonizing Trump and his supporters until it resulted in a near assassination of him.
Erasing all distinctions, differences and hierarchies so essential to stable societies.
Promoting same-sex marriage, which is not a marriage, and all the perversities previously mentioned. This relates back to the ancient sacrifice of babies to Moloch. History does repeat itself, as does God’s judgment.
Christians are woefully unprepared to fight evil as they have the wrong concept of Jesus and of meekness. Meekness is not being a doormat or sinfully naive, as I like to define it. As stated and as Jordan Peterson said, meekness is “a man with a sword who, because of his groundedness and virtue, voluntarily chooses to keep it sheathed,” but can and will use it when necessary.
We are seeing blatant Satanism on full display not seen since the times before Christ. Christians seem not to be prepared for the effrontery of the boldness of Satanism and in-your-face intimidation now occurring around the world that has cloaked itself in names such as Marxism, Communism, the Left, Progressives, liberalism and now the Democrat Party that the Satanists have conquered.
At the Olympics, the mocking of the Last Supper was blatant and intentional. The blowback was fierce, after which the Olympic committee produced a weak non-excuse and non-apology to confuse the weak-minded amongst us, who constitute a majority. The Last Supper was Christ illuminating the way to be cleansed of your sins before he was crucified. The mocking of it was a desecration of what is most holy and meant to be demoralizing upon the Christian faith. But then again, this fits in with the strategy of the Left and Marxism. It is designed to create what is called “social exhaustion” among people. It sets the stage for defeat after good becomes so emotionally exhausted that they give up; they capitulate. They stop fighting. But therein lies the problem. Most have not been fighting.
Those Satanists who mocked the Last Supper and who are in leadership positions elsewhere in the world, embedded in our institutions, would dare not mock Islam. Why? They know what would happen. But then the reason they specifically target Christianity is because the counterfeit always goes after and attacks the original article. Why? Because the only thing that can prove that the counterfeit is a fraud is the original article. No other alleged faith can do that.
The evil we see in our government and institutions, those concepts that cloak who and what evil is, have been telling us who they are for a long time, and we should believe them. Many Christians don’t because they may have to give up their favorite sin.
The way to combat the evil we saw on display in Paris is to open the unused Bible in your one hand and put down the remote in your other hand. Get up off the couch. Do something to push back and resist the evil you see instead of just being disgusted and flipping channels.
Jack L. Richardson, IV