Answered Prayer
How many of you prayed like never before for Trump’s victory? Hopefully, all of you did. The script was turned this year. Conservatives came out of their shells and were bold and did not hesitate to make their preferences known, not because they were so brave, but rather because they were faced with extinction.
Also, it was the mentally ill Harris supporters who were quiet because they knew they could not reason as to why they were supporting her, given all the perverse policies she and the Democrats were pushing upon the country, such as transgenderism, puberty blockers, drag queen story hour for kids, porn in school libraries wide open borders, and leftist prosecutors letting criminals off and punishing victims. And the list goes on and on and on.
Yes, while the Democrats were reveling in their sexually centered policy orgies and mandates, the country was going to hell, and we all felt the economic chaos. Conservatives finally realized the price of their indolence.
Never Forget
It took near destruction and the threat of two communists at the helm, Harris and Walz, to wake up the sleeping giant. Yes, God has answered prayer, but remember how close it was in Georgia and North Carolina, two states which the hell-bound Biden and Harris team flooded with illegals to change the electoral map.
So, while a celebration is in order and a prayerful thanksgiving is needed for how we have been spared, we must never forget how close we came to a total communist takeover at the federal level. And with that recent and poignant memory, let’s not put away our fervor for fighting tyranny but resolve to make our passionate involvement a permanent mainstay in our daily lives and diet, and to finish the job of November 5th.
So how do we finish the job?
Four-Year Plan
First, write down your goals. Make it a 4-year plan. Where would you like to see this nation and your community in four years? In fact, where would you like to see yourself in four years? Most importantly, what part are you going to play in that goal?
Join Organizations
Shrinking back into your shell is not an option. What local and national organizations will you join? Whether it be your city Republican Party or a conservative organization, join it!
You will be astounded by what you learn and the warm friends you make. This networking is beneficial in oh so many ways. Next, you need to be part of a national organization and get their newsletters. That will equip you with the information you need to confront the lies of those who wanted to enslave us.
Make A Budget
Next, you need to make a budget, and along with your church tithe, you need to set aside and create a freedom fund. Just $10 per month is a good start. That’s $120 per year, and if the nearly 73 million who voted for Trump did that, that is equivalent to over $7 billion. We would not need billionaires to finance our elections or have woke corporations sway the outcome of our elections.
Remember, the evil and the corrupt raised well over $1.2 billion for Harris/Walz to enslave you. They care nothing for you. It’s all about their power and the influence they lust after. That was what you were fighting against and what almost did us in. And we could have lost it all for the want of a mere $10 per month.
Speak Up
Then, finally, you need to speak up. Never ever again be afraid to exercise your freedom of speech and speak your opinion. The Democrats and their leftist allies tried to shut you up and intimidate you. Never let that happen again. Even now, Gov. Newsome of California is calling a special session of their legislature to “Trump Proof” California. What more could anyone do to prove to you of their communist dreams to take over America and enslave us all? They tolerate no dissent, so don’t tolerate them.
November 5th was a great victory, but the fight has just started. Evil never sleeps. The bottom line is: get involved. Fill up that hole you have been hiding in for the last four years and commit to never going back in there again. Freedom lives in the light and dies in the dark. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER again. Commit to yourself, your family and your friends that you will honor this answered prayer from God, for if you don’t, don’t expect a deliverance again.
Jack L. Richardson, IV