Question Everything
Here’s a quick and easy trick to get to the truth in all the chaos the Left has brought to America in their grab for permanent power. As you are being gaslighted by the Left daily, you may wonder if you are losing your mind. You are not. The Left knows no truth and can speak none. So, to bring some sanity to your mind, the simple trick is to start questioning everything.
In my upcoming book America’s Systemic Psychosis: How Our Nation Lost Its Mind and How to Get it Back, I prescribe that you protect your mental autonomy as there is no greater freedom than that between your ears, and you cannot do that if you are constantly blown about by every lie the Left manufactures. You must attain your PhD in skepticism. With a little effort you will discover the truth and expose the lies of the Left. It will make your life maybe not more comfortable but happier in knowing the truth.
How do you do this? Start with the premise that nothing coming from the mouths of the Left has any truth. Don’t worry, I will get to the Right soon enough. Doubt everything you hear from the Left, and the clouds of confusion will amazingly part and the sunlight will shine in and expose the lies that engulf you and our country. Just remember, as proven time and time again, the accusations of the Left are confessions. The Left has been so repeatedly exposed as hypocrites that the term has nearly lost its meaning and impact, yet we still toxically tolerate them. That too must stop.
The Original “Projectionists”
The Left has never been in love with the truth, as it conflicts with their totalitarian agenda and lust for power. They have been allowed to metastasize into an affrontery and in-your-face aggression never seen before, and it has happened by default because those on the Right failed to stand up and fight back. The Left no longer makes any pretense about it, but simply looks you in the eye and lies, knowing they are lying and knowing you know they are lying, daring you to do something about it.
The Left are the original projectionists—a psychological term describing someone who blames others for what they are truly guilty of. They will accuse you of what they are themselves guilty of as a distraction and subterfuge. There are other descriptors for this characteristic of the Left. Some call it hypocrisy, and it is. Some call it lying and fraud, and it is. More simply put, it is pure wickedness and evil.
That is what the godless do, and we all know that lying is a sin. Even from a secular viewpoint lying can be actionable in law. It is damaging and destabilizing to relationships and society. But there is a deadly agenda attached to the Left’s deceit: total power and control over your life, and the loss of your freedoms.
A Binary Choice
So much of life is binary: man and woman, good and evil, life and death, truths and lies, and of course, in the political sense, the Left and the Right. It is the Left’s nature and character to blur distinctions. As explained in my book America’s Systemic Psychosis, the Left has a psychological condition that detaches them from reality and disables them from any deductive reasoning, and it is contagious. It’s called psychosis.
Now “psychosis” is probably too much of a euphemistic characterization for the Left, as it would imply that what they do is a mere difference of opinion or an innocent mistake, lacking any ill intent. Nothing they do is innocent or by mistake. It is calculated and by design. It is part of a pathological and ideological agenda, the ultimate end of which is no different than the horrors that occurred under Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc and etc.
It deserves constant repeating: within the last 100 years, 100 million people have been tortured, murdered and executed at the hands of those on the Left, and, in addition, over 2 billion people have been enslaved by this dehumanizing ideology. History has repeated itself numerous times all because those who could have stopped it didn’t.
Don’t be fooled by the Left’s morphing descriptors and terminology: Liberal, Leftist, Progressive, Marxist, Communist and, yes, Democrat (today all the names are meant to deceive)—they are peas in the same pod. But that is calculated and meant to confuse you and keep you from making a binary choice as between right and wrong. None of us like to think of someone else being so malevolent, but they are, and it is time to wake up to reality. To be separated from reality is the definition of psychosis.
Those on the Left resort to gaslighting the rest of us as they work on an agenda for total and permanent power. When you really drill down to its core, it is spiritual. A better word is evil. Here are some other binaries: heaven and hell, forgiven or condemned, believer or atheist. The world is truly that simple, and you fit into one of those two categories. You best start learning what they are, their consequences, and particularly the agenda of the Left.
So, how does the Left get the people to go along with their dystopian plans? The title of this article explains it all. It has been proven countless times but the people are asleep. The people fall for the accusations of the left as they are too lazy to do a fact check. Shame on them.
Their Meaning In Life
With an atheist, which by all statistics and surveys describes the Left, life is futile. What’s there to look forward to? Let’s say there is not going to be a tomorrow—then clearly nothing you do today has any meaning. Anything and everything you would do today would be futile. There is nothing that gives this life any value or meaning to the Left other than the temporal excitement of enslaving others and lording over them. History is the proof, and undeniable.
Focusing on just the immediate, today has value only because of tomorrow. If there was no tomorrow there would be no reason for doing anything you do today. Life would be futile, and is for the atheist and the Left. Their only resort is hedonism and exercising power over others’ lives. It’s as if through some magical osmosis, or by sympathetic magic (which the pagans practiced by copulating in the fields, as if by doing so the crops would become more fertile), the Left practice their brand of magic as they desperately try gleaning any purpose to life.
The Left will suck the life blood and energy from others by ruling over their lives. But, once again, the Left accomplishes this by getting you to believe their lies and to focus your ire upon others they falsely accuse. They conceal their own guilt, complicity, and nefarious plans with the distraction of accusations. And of course in Biblical terms, we all know or should know who the “great accuser” is—Satan.
Replete With Examples
A most recent example of how the Left twists the truth and accuses is when Trump, in a speech in Michigan, told the auto workers that if Biden’s policies continue it would end up being a bloodbath, particularly for American workers and the auto industry. The Left/Democrats/Leftist Media seized the opportunity to say that Trump said that if he doesn’t get elected he will cause a bloodbath. This is how rabid the Left is.
Most see through this, but all the Left wants to do with their lies and accusations is to sway enough ill-informed people (votes) in order to win an election. In more moral times these people would have been ostracized and shunned from society for such deceit.
The problem the Left has in their detachment from reality (which again is psychosis) readily apparent to most, is they have to resort to deception, projection, gaslighting, manipulation and outright lying to advance their agenda. They scapegoat others so while you are busy hating and fighting them the Left steps in as your savior. They will end up being your master and persecutor. Our history is replete with examples of the deadly consequences.
The Left attacks law-abiding citizens’ gun rights, but turns a blind eye to gun violence in their own cities, even defunding the police. The Democratic mayors in some of those cities have their own police protection while denying others the right to self protection.
Leftist politicians kneecap security at the southern border, argue against erecting a barrier, and treat the invaders who commit violent crimes with not so much as a slap on the wrist—but then enjoy their own personal security, live in homes surrounded by walls and fences, and harshly prosecute those who supposedly endangered them during the Jan. 6 debacle. Let’s not forget how the Leftist enclave in Martha’s Vineyard acted when 49 Venezuelans were flown to their area. All hell broke loose and we saw the hypocrisy was on full display. Texans and Floridians were accused of being racists for not accepting millions of invaders into the country but when it happened to them they made no attempt to conceal their “racism” (by their standard) and within days most of the Venezuelans were shipped out. The Left has rules for thee, but not for them.
The Left exclaims “My body, my choice” when arguing for mutilating and murdering children in the womb (who in fact have their own bodies, which the Left conveniently overlooks), but conspicuously forgets that slogan when pushing vaccine and masking mandates for COVID-19—despite the now proven harms of such policies. And of course, several Democrats were caught personally ignoring the COVID-19 restrictions that they themselves implemented and promoted. (Notice: while both masks and vaccines proved utterly ineffective for their ostensive purposes, they proved extremely effective for the Left’s actual purpose of exerting unprecedented control over Americans’ lives.)
Leftist politicians push for raising taxes on the rich (high income earners), thereby demonizing financial success and disincentivizing upward mobility—but are often themselves worth millions of dollars! You are to pay your fair share of taxes but don’t expect the Bidens to do likewise.
The Left chastises the populace for their contributions to “climate change” (contributions which, “scientists” say, include breathing—seriously!), all the while speeding around on their private jets. Now the true scientific research is coming out that proves the climate scare is a fraud. I expose some of the fraud in my upcoming book, and the fraud can be discovered in the book Inconvenient Facts by Gregory Wrightstone and in a recently Epoch Times article by Katie Spence, which discloses that scientists now debunk climate change claims about hurricanes. The hypocritical and lying Left needs to keep you in fear to advance their agenda.
So, if you want to make your life easy, trying to discern the truth, then for once, as opposed to being spoon fed by the media, start questioning everything the Left says, and that would include your government and the media. Again, the shortcut to the truth is to simply realize the accusations of the left are confessions and lies. What they accuse others of is exactly what they are guilty of. The Left and the media’s purpose is not served by you knowing the truth, but by controlling you with their lies. In order to protect yourself you must start questioning everything and start paying attention.
Deadly Serious
The chaotic condition in our country today is a direct result of what is not in your mind, that is, the truth and facts. It is deadly serious. You are in the process of losing your freedoms and the life you have come to love and everything you have because of how you act upon the lies of the Left. Yes, you end up voting for them and placing them into power.
Nothing will be voluntary or optional if, through your being gaslighted by the accusers, you continue to be influenced by the Left and vote them into office. What you don’t know can and will harm you. Stop allowing yourself to be spoon fed by the media.
Did We Really?
As a quick aside, in spite of the country being at its peak of power and affluence in 2019 up until the planned pandemic, the Left wanted you to believe otherwise. They wanted you to believe that the man responsible for the policies that made greatness possible was now a bad person. And they convinced you that you needed to vote for a near octogenarian who was in obvious mental decline.
Did we really do that to ourselves? It was so apparent. Within 18 to 24 months Biden not only had the lowest poll numbers of any president, relieving Jimmy Carter of that distinction, but was immersed in corruption and investigations and being compromised by foreign adversaries because of the monies he had taken in selling influence.
Consequently, you got what you voted for, and for the last three years suffered greatly for it. The country is at war, we have added trillions to our/your debt, you have had a massive pay cut, and we are being invaded by millions who will eventually marginalize you. Yes, many did that to themselves and voted for a man that campaigned from his basement. Now if you don’t know what and who I am talking about then I’ve proved my point.
A Cheat Sheet
Just listen to the accusations of the Left and the opposite will be true. Now, I don’t recommend being that lazy for if you really knew just how malevolent the Left is you would incarcerate them, if not ship them somewhere offshore, like to Cuba, or Venezuela or North Korea where they will be with their kind and surely more comfortable.
You’ve been given a cheat sheet here on how to make the best political decisions, those that affect your life, without doing much study or investigation. It shouldn’t be approached this way, but if this is what it takes then use it. If you are simply incapable of discerning the truth from the lie, then just know that the facts will establish that the accusations of the Left are confessions, a confession of lies. Avoid them by believing and doing the opposite of what they tell you.
The Left accuses all white people of being racist—thereby exposing that they themselves are prejudiced against all white people. In other words, they are the true racists, as evidenced by their own claims of who is racist! Not to mention by their race-based affirmative action policies, college dorm segregations, and a slough of other regressive practices.
The Left accuses anyone who disagrees with their ideology as “hateful.” If you believe homosexuality is a sin, for example, you must hate gays. But they are the true haters. They are the ones who cancel, dox, censor, pressure, and sue those who disagree with them—when someone refuses to bake a cake for a same-sex “wedding,” for example. But then Rep. Maxine Waters proposes that conservatives be denied services because of the way they believe.
The Left accuses Trump of corruption when the Bidens are submerged in crimes that have made them tens of millions from our adversaries. It has compromised the country as Biden is subject to blackmail by the very adversaries that paid him off.
The Left accused Trump of mishandling documents, when Biden did so himself. Biden has thousands of classified documents spread out over several locations, yet the special prosecutor Robert Hur found that Biden was too old and has too poor of a memory to be prosecuted, even when Biden admitted to committing felonies. Yet, Trump is the only president in history to ever be indicted for doing what every other president has done, the worst being Biden.
Look Left, Look Right
So, to conclude, you would be wise to question everything. The Left is the grand master of hypocrisy and projection too. On the Right they are simply playing potato head while the Left graduated to chess long, long ago. While the Right neither practices nor is skilled in the art of lying as is the Left, they are all too often cowardly or lazy to fight for the truth.
The Right is caught up in what is called “Normalcy Bias.” In an article by Anthony Langer, normalcy bias is a pattern of thinking in which people disbelieve or minimize a threat or disaster, leading them to underestimate the danger and continue acting as though nothing unusual is happening.
Normalcy Bias is truly a term that had to be invented to accurately describe the condition of conservatives, the Christian and the Republican. And it does. The evil zeitgeist (spirit of the age) is with the Left, and the spirit of ambivalence and cowardice is all too often descriptive of the Right.
Next time accusations fly from the Left, remember: it is what they are truly guilty of or engaged in. It is time for you to do your homework and know what it is they have been hiding from you. More importantly, what they are planning to do to you. The accusations of the Left are an admission.
Jack L. Richardson, IV