Democrat Cover-Ups Demand Resignation
The complicity of the Media and Democrat Party in hiding Biden’s Incapacity
I’m calling for and demanding the resignation of Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, and particularly those Democrat House and Senate members in vulnerable seats who claimed that President Biden was fit for office.
Yes, even the out-a-step governor of Kentucky, Andy Beshear, who refused a direct answer to the question about Biden’s fitness, needs to step down for his sheer dishonesty. Most all the Democrats have been caught lying to the American people and in a most profound way. The Democrats are so power crazy it is impossible for them to tell the truth. Statesmanship is the last thing you will ever see from a Democrat. All you get is demagoguery.
While the whole world looked on in amazement at President Biden’s diminished mental and physical capacity, we had many power-hungry elected leaders telling us that he was as sharp as ever behind the scenes and that they had full confidence in him.
Well, you should not have any confidence in any Democrat or media type who lied to you that Biden was fit for office. Biden’s debate performance stripped naked the liars and their agenda. You and your country were their last concern.
The American people must start demanding mass resignations from Democrats who lied to the public about Biden’s condition. Now, to be candid, it’s not that they covered up anything, as anyone with a brain could see Biden was unfit for office and in serious mental decline. The crime committed by almost all Democrats is the lie they told en masse that the president was fit.
They can no longer be trusted. Frankly, they never could. It’s just that their past offenses were simply not on a big enough scale like what we saw in the debate, where they couldn’t wiggle out of it by gaslighting the American public. Well, it is too big now to cover up. It wasn’t just Biden who was covering up; it is the whole collective radical leftist group of media, Democrats and their operatives that are guilty. This makes the January 6th fake insurrection pale in comparison.
Biden’s condition dates back to the 2020 election when Democrats and the media kept him hidden in the basement to hide his condition. Now you have seen it for yourself in full display.
You see, Biden was never really going to be the president anyway. It was all those around him—a radical leftist cabal intent on subjugating the American voters to an increasingly tyrannical bureaucratic state and the eventual deconstruction of our constitution.
We have not had a real president in control for four years, and the consequences have been disastrous. We are now involved in wars around the globe, economic catastrophes and a generation of children being indoctrinated instead of educated. Consequently, the damage will last for years.
Well, the lie couldn’t be hidden any longer. It was bound to come out, and out it came for the whole world to see. World leaders find it unthinkable that he could continue as the nominee, much less lead for a second term. A vote for Biden in November is essentially the election of Kamala Harris as president.
Folks, our allies around the world have seen up close in their meetings with Biden what we have been seeing while our media and Democrats kept gaslighting us and hiding the truth. These kinds of pathological liars cannot be trusted. They don’t serve the people. They only serve their lust for power and must be removed.
It’s time that voters in each state call for the resignation of any politician who told you that what you were seeing in real time was not real. Shame on them.
Now, what are the Republicans going to do about it? If ever there was a time to start the drumbeat for resignations and make the most of a campaign opportunity to defeat Democrats in the Senate and the House, it is now. Whether the Republicans are smart enough to do that does not stop you from calling for your complicit elected representative(s) to resign. Now is the time to act.
Jack L. Richardson, IV